Tuesday, July 25, 2017

100 School Days

This year we have been counting each school day.
Everyday we problem solved how many more days until we reached 100.
38 + ___ = 100         67 + ___ = 100       99 + ___ =100
How many ways can we show 100?

We celebrated with Hundreds and Thousands biscuits!


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Kapa Haka

The hall was being used while the drumming workshops were on.
Where could we have Kapa Haka?
Let's try on the deck steps in the sunshine.
We all had a fantastic time singing together on a beautiful, sunny winter's day.
Whaea Penny loved being outside with us.
What a lovely day!

Strike Performance

The 'Strike Performance Group' visited this week, 
performing their amazing drum show for us.
They also invited some teachers and students to help on stage!
IMG_3189 from Ham East on Vimeo.

IMG_3185 from Ham East on Vimeo.
Later in the morning we attended a drumming workshop with Room 13. We learnt how to keep a rhythm and beat, and created our own music.

Drumming Workshop from Ham East on Vimeo.

IMG_3208 from Ham East on Vimeo.

Our Favourite Time of Day