Thursday, October 31, 2013

Afro Cuban Drumming

We all loved watching and being part of the drumming show last week and this is reflected in our writing. See below for a small snapshot of how we felt:

When Porsha, Ailish and their friends played the music, slowly my heart danced and then I heard more and my heart danced and danced. I felt a shock then a shoot of music. I could feel the beat exploring into my body, I could hear nothing but music. I felt like I was being touched by the music. It's amazing. It's like I'm in a land full of nothing but music instruments and music notes. The sound of beats just powerful, it can control my feelings. I think they're really talented. I want to be them. 

When the people started playing the drums I felt shy. The drumming was amazing. It almost felt like: windows smashing, lights cracking, doors swinging, trees falling because I was surrounded by music.

I felt like the drums weren't working, I felt like it was just my heart pumping. In my mind I could see music notes coming out of each instrument. My mind was filled up with music and enjoyment. I thought it was the best music I've ever heard in my whole life.

Inside my body I felt all boring. Suddenly... party in the body! I said, "What an awesome band". I heard the drums banging up and down. A lady was playing an electric guitar. A girl was singing but singing in Spanish. Powerfully the band's music almost filled up my brain  with music.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

We have had a great start to Term 4. Last Thursday the artist Lynne Sinclair Taylor came into school to show the Totara Team how to create works of art using chalk pastels. 

And on Tuesday the whole school were lucky enough to watch the Afro Cuban Band from Sacred Heart Girls' College play. 

With such great inspiration, Room 16 can't wait to get started on our art and music. Look forward to sharing it with you throughout the term.