Monday, April 27, 2015


Mr Jim Pope, a past principal of HES, came to our assembly to talk to us about ANZAC day and he presented us with a special clock that he had carved himself.
Room 15 taught us to sign and sing the song 'Beautiful Soldier'
We then went for a 'Peace Walk' to Memorial Park.  
The crosses are for all the soldiers from Hamilton that died in WWI

ANZAC Day is to remember the people who go to war and save us from another war.  It is also so that we can have freedom.  Lots of people die in war.  We were lucky to not have war here and sad for those people who did go.  Some people went to war to get money for their families.  Poppies are to remember the people that died in the war.
by Maria

Soldiers fought for us in the war so we don’t get hurt.  They were sad, they must have been so sad to see people dieing.  In the war Jack Simpson and his donkey carried soldiers to safety down the hills in Gallipoli, to the hospital and safety.
by Aiden

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Summertime swimmng

We used our five senses to talk and write about where we went swimming in the summer.
We then drew and painted ourselves in our togs and created a pastel towel for our portraits.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wellie visits Room 16

Wellie came to visit us.  
We all had a turn to pat her and talk about how cute she looks and feels.


Weren't we lucky!

Mini Cricket World Cup

We celebrated the 2015 Cricket World Cup with our own ‘Mini Cricket World Cup Competition’ on  Dawson St.  Room 16 were the super ‘Green Team”.  We competed in bowling and batting.
Well done everyone! A great way to celebrate using all the new small ball cricket skills we learnt with Sport Waikato this term. 

The Legend of the Waikato River

This legend has been written, retold and narrated by Isabella. It is created and performed by Room 16 children, and filmed by Hinerau. We used the Kidpix computer programme tools to draw and label the legend. The Forming of the Waikato River Legend on PhotoPeach

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Harvest Festival

It is Harvest Festival time again.
We started with the 'Great Pumpkin Weigh In'.  
Ms Jones tried to be sneaky and lent on the scales so her class would win, 
but we were NOT tricked!

Our wonderful Mrs T harvested her feijoa tree.  
We made two production lines and chopped all the feijoas in half.  We also tasted a few, ha ha!
All the classes took their food to the courts to share. 
What a feast.  Another wonderful school Harvest Celebration.

Observing and sketching feijoas.

Our wonderful Mrs T collected a BIG bag of feijoas for us to share.  We looked at them carefully and sketched them, then cut them in half and sketched the inside.

Feijoas on PhotoPeach

 Then we ate them!! We talked about the feijoas and made a Wordle of all the words we thought described the feijoa.

Thank you Mrs T