Sunday, June 7, 2015


We have been making multiplication arrays in Maths.  
Did you know that ...
4 x 3 = 12        
and when you turn the problem around
3 x 4 = 12    
the answer is still the same,
So ...  3 x 4 = 4 x 3 
 5 x 2 = 10
 and 2 x 5 = 10   so...
5 x 2 = 2 x 5
 We used animal arrays to show multiplication problems

New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Concert

The Happiness Box with NZSO

We took the school bus to Founders Theatre in town, to see the concert.  We learnt about the Happiness Box Story.   Australian prisoners of war wrote the story for some little English children who were in the prison camp next to them.  The story is about three friends looking for happiness.
 We were very excited!

Before we went we found out about all the different instruments in the Orchestra and where they all belong.  

Then we looked for them on the stage.

A BIG 'Thank You' to all our parents and helpers for coming with us!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Art Exhibition


Pippa and Whaea Sheryl invited us to the hall to paint our own flags to create Bunting for the Art Exhibition.

Art Exhibition

Hamilton East Classes presented their Turangawaewae art 
in our first School Art Exhibition.
Our work looked amazing on display in the hall.
We had a wonderful time looking at the work created 
by other classes and talking about their learning.

Hundertwasser Spirals

Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Friedensreich Hundertwasser was an artist who made Whangarei, New Zealand, his home. He was born on 15 December, 1928 in Vienna, Austria.  He was 11 years old when the WWII began.  At the end of the war he saw his city streets bombed and destroyed.  But he looked carefully in the potholes and bomb craters and found new life starting to emerge.  Soon grass began to grow out of the cracks and delicate shoots of plants, bushes and trees. For him, this was a sign that war was over and it was a time for peace, things could be rebuilt. A love of nature was important to him throughout his life.   

“In nature there are no straight 
lines drawn with a ruler”, 
Friedensreich Hundertwasser didn’t
like straight lines, but he was fascinated by spirals.  
He painted them all his life.  He saw them as a symbol of life and nature.   

We looked closely at his Silver Spiral painting, we talked about the bold colours he used and how the spiral lines went on and on forever.  We thought about where he had added the silver paper and the reflections it made.  We then planned our work.

Friedenscreich Hundertwasser designed and created the Kawakawa public toilets, a great place to visit!  Not a straight line in sight!
We hope you enjoy the Silver Spirals we have created.
Please leave us a comment.
Silver Spirals by Room 16 on PhotoPeach