When Porsha, Ailish and their friends played the music, slowly my heart danced and then I heard more and my heart danced and danced. I felt a shock then a shoot of music. I could feel the beat exploring into my body, I could hear nothing but music. I felt like I was being touched by the music. It's amazing. It's like I'm in a land full of nothing but music instruments and music notes. The sound of beats just powerful, it can control my feelings. I think they're really talented. I want to be them.
When the people started playing the drums I felt shy. The drumming was amazing. It almost felt like: windows smashing, lights cracking, doors swinging, trees falling because I was surrounded by music.
I felt like the drums weren't working, I felt like it was just my heart pumping. In my mind I could see music notes coming out of each instrument. My mind was filled up with music and enjoyment. I thought it was the best music I've ever heard in my whole life.
Inside my body I felt all boring. Suddenly... party in the body! I said, "What an awesome band". I heard the drums banging up and down. A lady was playing an electric guitar. A girl was singing but singing in Spanish. Powerfully the band's music almost filled up my brain with music.