Friday, June 8, 2012

Water Cycle

We did some experiments to find out about the Water Cycle.
We held ice cubes in our hands.
They were very cold, they made our fingers tingle.
They melted.
We made a puddle of water on the table.
We watched it all day.
The puddle slowly disappeared.

We boiled a kettle.
There was a lot of steam.
When we held a cold plate above the steam.
Drops of water collected and started to drip back into the jug.
We blew on the windows with our warm breath.
We made condensation.
We walked on the frosty grass.
We left footprints.

What makes water change state?
Do you know?
Leave us a comment and Room 16 will tell you if you are right!

1 comment:

  1. hi room16 you guys are really good at string games from room15
