Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tane Mahuta Day

We read the legend of Ranginui, Papatuanuku and their son Tane Mahuta.


  1. Dear Room 16, I like your video it is FANTASTIC.Did you read a book about Tane Mahuta?

    from Battool
    Rm 14

  2. I liked doing the play becaue it was fun . I like the rangi-nui because the first bit is my mums name.
    rangi-nui and papatuanuku hugged eachother soo tight that the children could not push them apart and tanemahuta did, and the children liked it but papa and rangi did not like this.

  3. Wow what a great play! Well done to all of room 16 children, you should be proud.

    From Jade's mum
